For students

This page used to contain lecture notes, additional course info, but most of it have been archived because I don't teach those courses anymore. Here are a few remaining pieces, that may be still useful. Prospective students who are interested to join the research we're doing are advised to check out this page.

Basic models of population dynamics and population genetics

The following files are interactive Excel sheets to help a better understanding of the basic models of population ecology, demography and population genetics, because in my experience most biology students don't like equations, but are familiar with Excel, so these worksheets turned out to be useful to help them understand how these models work.  In these files, you have to change only the parameters in the red frame, and see how the behavior of the model is affected.

Population ecology: exponential, logistic population growth and the Lotka-Volterra models (competition and predator-prey). The files contain macros and it's safe to enable them, but most funtionality will keep working even if the macros are disabled. The additional descriptions in the file are in Hungarian, but the rest can be understood without knowing Hungarian.

Interactive file.

Population genetics: The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium model. Follow the changes in allele frequencies across generations and study cases such as overdominance and underdominance.

Interactive file.

Demography (Life history)

Demonstration of life tables. Cohort-specific birth rates and mortality, and its consequences on population size, stable age distribution and reproductive value. The file contains some command buttons that are used to load different model parameters, but these are also given in the 'settings' sheet, so can be also copied to the life tables manually.

Interactive file (life tables).

For newbies in R

This is a document to practice how to make very simple computations and statistics and graphs in R, with data files and solutions. The files are in Hungarian.