Program of the 10th Groningen–Budapest Apocryphal Literature Conference in Budapest (Ráday College)
14–16 April, 2005
Wednesday, 14th
19:00 Opening dinner at a restaurant
Thursday, 15th
8:00–8:45 Breakfast
9:00–9:20 Opening remarks from the Dean of the Faculty and János Bolyki
9:20–10:00 Jan Bremmer
10:00–10:40 Geurt Genk van Kooten
10:40-11:00 Coffee
11:00-11:40 Imre Peres
11:40-12:20 Lautaro Roig Lanzillotta
12:20-13:20 Lunch
13:20-14:00 Gerard Luttikhuizen
14:00-14:40 István Chachesz
14:40-15:00 Coffee
15:00-15:40 Árpád Galsi
15:40-16:20 Danny Praet
16:20-17:00 Albert Hoogeterp
18:30 Dinner at Tamás Adamik’s Place
Friday, 16th
8:00–8:45 Breakfast
9:00–9:40 Tamás Adamik
9:40–10:20 Jacques van Ruiten
10:20–10:40 Coffee
10:40–11:20 Ottó Pecsuk
11:20–12:00 Ton Hilhorst
12:00–12:40 Gábor Kendeffy
Closing Reemarks from the Participants
13:00–14:00 Lunch
Afternoon Departures
Tamás Adamik (ELTE, Budapest) „Figures of Speech and Reason in the Recognitions”
Danny Praet (Belgium) „Sexuality and Spiritual Seduction in the Pseudo–Clementines”
Árpád Galsi (KGRE, Budapest) „Questions of the James Narrative in the Recognitions”
Ottó Pecsuk (KGRE, Budapest) „A Truly Pauline Concept? Righteousness Terminology in the Pseudo–Clementines”
Jacques van Ruiten (Groningen) The Jewish Background of Pseudo-Clementine's Homilies and Recognitions
Gerard Luttikhuizen (Groningen) “The Pseudo-Clementine Solution to Problem Passages in Jewish Scripture”
Jan Bremmer (Groningen) “ Two foolish Egyptians in the Pseudo-Clementines”
Lautaro Roig Lanzillotta (Córdoba) The so-called Orphic Cosmogonies in the Pseudo-Clementines. Textual Relationship, Character, and Sources
Geurt Genk van Kooten (Groningen): Criticism of Temple Worship and Animal Sacrifice in Pseudo-Clement's Recognitiones 1.54-65
Istvan Czachesz (Groningen-Budapest): “ The Clement Romance: Is It a Novel?”
Albert Hoogeterp (Groningen): “ Proclaiming the gospel in the Pseudo-Clementine Recognitions. Oral transmission of gospel traditions in the Recognitions”
Ton Hilhorst (Groningen): “ The Recognitions and the Legenda Aurea”
Gábor Kendeffy (KGRE, Budapest): “Hellenistic Philosophy and the Pseudo-Clementines”
János Bolyki (KGRE, Budapest): “The Concept of Syzigos in the Pseudo-Clementines”
Imre Peres (Komarom): „ Jesu Tradition in den Pseudoklementinen“