Ndunguru SF, Reda GK, Csernus B, Knop R, Lugata JK, Szabó C, Lendvai ÁZ, Czeglédi L. 2024. Embryonic Leucine Promotes Early Postnatal Growth via mTOR Signalling in Japanese Quails. Animals. 14(17):2596. [link]
Szarka EZ, Lendvai ÁZ. 2024. Trophic guilds differ in blood glucose concentrations: a phylogenetic comparative analysis in birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 291:20232655 [link]
Hutton P, Lendvai ÁZ, Németh J, McGraw KJ. 2024. Urban house finches are more resilient to the effects of artificial light at night. Science of The Total Environment, 946:174525. [link]
Lendvai ÁZ, Tóth Z, Mahr K, Pénzes J, Vogel-Kindgen S, Gander BA, Vágási CI. 2024. IGF-1 induces sex-specific oxidative damage and mortality in a songbird. Oecologia, 205:561-570. [link]
Vágási CI, Vincze O, Adámková M, Kauzálová T, Lendvai ÁZ, Pătraș L, Pénzes J, Pap PL, Albrecht T, Tomášek O. 2024. Songbirds avoid the oxidative stress costs of high blood glucose levels: a comparative study. Journal of Experimental Biology 227:jeb.246848. [link]
Reda GK, Ndunguru SF, Csernus B, Lugata JK, Knop R, Szabó C, Czeglédi L, Lendvai ÁZ. 2024. Sex-specific effects of dietary restriction on physiological variables in Japanese quails. Ecology and Evolution. 14(5):e11405. [link]
Reda GK, Ndunguru SF, Csernus B, Knop R, Lugata JK, Szabó C, Czeglédi L, Lendvai ÁZ. 2024. Dietary restriction reveals sex-specific expression of the mTOR pathway genes in Japanese quails. Scientific Reports 14(1):8314 [link]
Reda GK, Ndunguru SF, Csernus B, Gulyás G, Knop R, Szabó C, Czeglédi L, Lendvai ÁZ. 2024. Dietary restriction and life-history trade-offs: insights into mTOR pathway regulation and reproductive investment in Japanese quail. Journal of Experimental Biology. 227(8):jeb247064. [pdf]
Ndunguru SF, Reda GK, Csernus B, Knop R, Gulyás G, Szabó C, Czeglédi L, Lendvai ÁZ. 2024. Embryonic methionine triggers post-natal developmental programming in Japanese quail. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 194:179-189. [pdf]
Mavrikaki E, et al. 2024. Evolution in European and Israeli school curricula – a comparative analysis. International Journal of Science Education. [pdf]
Mahr K, Anzengruber M, Hellerschmid A, Slezacek J, Hoi H, Subbiahdoss G, Gabor F, Lendvai ÁZ. 2023. Biocompatible polymeric microparticles serve as novel and reliable vehicles for exogenous hormone manipulations in passerines. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 336:114234. [link]
Lodjak J, Boonekamp J, Lendvai ÁZ, Verhulst S. 2023. Short- and long-term effects of nutritional state on IGF-1 levels in nestlings of a wild passerine. Oecologia 203:27-35. [link]
Lendvai ÁZ. 2023. Bearded Reedling (Panurus biarmicus) : the biology of a remarkable bird – a review of the recent literature. Ornis Hungarica. 31(1):1–1.[link]
Montoya B, Tóth Z, Lendvai ÁZ, Stier A, Criscuolo F, Zahn S, Bize P. 2022. Does IGF-1 Shape Life-History Trade-Offs? Opposite Associations of IGF-1 With Telomere Length and Body Size in a Free-Living Bird. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 10:853674 [link]
Hargitai R, Boross N, Tóth Z, Lendvai ÁZ. 2022. Food restriction delays breeding and affects insulin-like growth factor-1, oxidative damage, and haematocrit value before egg-laying in female canaries. Journal of Avian Biology. 2022(4):e02866
Tóth Z, Mahr K, Ölveczki G, Őri L, Lendvai ÁZ. 2022. Food Restriction Reveals Individual Differences in Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Reaction Norms. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 10:826968. [link]
Kuschmierz P, et al. 2021. European first-year university students accept evolution but lack substantial knowledge about it: a standardized European cross-country assessment. Evolution: Education and Outreach. 14(1):17
Tablado Z, Bötsch Y, Bókony V, Angelier F, Lendvai ÁZ, Jenni-Eiermann S, Jenni L. 2021. Factors modulating the behavioral and physiological stress responses: Do they modify the relationship between flight initiation distance and corticosterone reactivity? Hormones and Behavior. 132:104979 [link]
Beniermann, et al. 2021. Evolution Education Questionnaire on Acceptance and Knowledge (EEQ) - Standardised and ready-to-use protocols to measure acceptance of evolution and knowledge about evolution in an international context. Zenodo. [pdf]
Huber N., Mahr K, Tóth Z, Szarka EZ, Çinar YU, Salmón P, Lendvai, ÁZ 2021. The stressed bird in the hand: Influence of sampling design on the physiological stress response in a free-living songbird. Physiology & Behavior 238, 113488. [pdf]
Lendvai ÁZ, Tóth Z, Mahr K, Osváth G, Vogel-Kindgen S, Gander BA 2021. Effects of experimental increase in insulin-like growth factor 1 on feather growth rate, moult intensity and feather quality in a passerine bird. Journal of Experimental Biology 224. [link]
Vágási CI, Fülöp A, Osváth G, Pap PL, Pénzes J, Benkő Z, Lendvai ÁZ, Barta Z. 2021. Social groups with diverse personalities mitigate physiological stress in a songbird. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 288(1943):20203092. [pdf]
Vágási CI, Tóth Z, Pénzes J, Pap PL, Ouyang JQ, Lendvai ÁZ. 2020. The Relationship between Hormones, Glucose and Oxidative Damage is Condition- and Stress-dependent in a Free-living Passerine Bird. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 6:466-476. [link]
Valdebenito JO, Halimubieke N, Lendvai ÁZ, Figuerola J, Székely T. 2021. Seasonal variation in sex-specific immunity in wild birds. Scientific Reports. 11(1):1349 [full text online]
Angelier F, Chastel O, Lendvai AZ, Parenteau C, Weimerskirch H, Wingfield JC. 2020. When do older birds better resist stress? A study of the corticosterone stress response in snow petrels. Biology Letters 16(1):20190733. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2019.0733 .
Cox AR, Robertson RJ, Lendvai ÁZ, Everitt K, Bonier F. 2019. Rainy springs linked to poor nestling growth in a declining avian aerial insectivore (Tachycineta bicolor). Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 286(1898):20190018. doi:10.1098/rspb.2019.0018
Lendvai ÁZ, Tóth Z, Pénzes J, Kindgen SM, Gander BA, Vágási CI. 2020. Insulin-like growth factor 1 induces oxidative damage, but does not affect survival in bearded reedlings. Preprint. doi:10.1101/2020.03.27.012120.
Mahr K, Vincze O, Tóth Z, Hoi H, Lendvai ÁZ. 2020. Insulin-like growth factor 1 is related to the expression of plumage traits in a passerine species. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 74(3):39. [pdf]
Montreuil-Spencer C, Schoenemann K, Lendvai ÁZ, Bonier F. 2019. Winter corticosterone and body condition predict breeding investment in a nonmigratory bird. Behavioral Ecology :arz129 [link]
Osváth G, Orsolya V, Dragomir-Cosmin D, Nagy LJ, Lendvai ÁZ, Nudds RL, Pap PL. 2020. Morphological characterization of flight feather shafts in four bird species with different flight styles. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 131:192–202, [pdf]
Szöll?si E, Tóth Z, Mahr K, Hoi H, Lendvai ÁZ. 2019. Extremely low malaria prevalence in a wetland specialist passerine. Parasitology.:1–9.[pdf]
Szép T, Moller AP, Dobránszky J, Dyke GJ, Lendvai ÁZ. 2019. Older birds have better feathers: A longitudinal study on the long-distance migratory Sand Martin, Riparia riparia. PLOS ONE 14(1): e0209737 [pdf].
Tóth Z, Ouyang JQ, Lendvai ÁZ. 2018. Exploring the mechanistic link between corticosterone and insulin-like growth factor-1 in a wild passerine bird. PeerJ. 6:e5936. [full text online]
Lendvai ÁZ*, Akçay Ç*, Stanback M, Haussmann
MF, Moore IT, Bonier F. 2018. Male parental investment reflects the
level of partner contributions and brood value in tree swallows. Behavioral
Ecology and Sociobiology. 72(12):185. [pdf]
*shared first authorship
Lendvai ÁZ. 2018. Biparental Care. In: Vonk J, Shackelford T, editors. Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior. Cham: Springer International Publishing. p. 1–4. [link].
Sepp T, Desaivre S, Lendvai AZ, Németh J, McGraw KJ, Giraudeau M. 2018. Feather corticosterone levels are not correlated with health or plumage coloration in juvenile house finches. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 124:157–164. [pdf]
Vágási CI, P?tra? L, Pap PL, Vincze O, Mure?an C, Németh J, Lendvai ÁZ. 2018. Experimental increase in baseline corticosterone level reduces oxidative damage and enhances innate immune response. PLOS ONE. 13(2):e0192701. [full text online]
Sebestyén F, Póliska S, Rácz R, Bereczki J, Lénárt K, Barta Z, Lendvai ÁZ, Tökölyi J. 2017. Insulin/IGF Signaling and Life History Traits in Response to Food Availability and Perceived Density in the Cnidarian Hydra vulgaris. Zoological Science. 34(4):318–325. [pdf]
Akçay Ç*, Lendvai ÁZ*, Stanback MT, Haussmann
MF, Moore IT, Bonier F. 2016. Strategic adjustment of parental care
in tree swallows: life-history trade-offs and the role of
glucocorticoids. Royal Society
Open Science. [full
text online]
*shared first authorship
Dakin R, Ouyang JQ, Lendvai ÁZ, Haussmann MF, Moore IT, Bonier F. 2016. Weather matters: begging calls are temperature- and size-dependent signals of offspring state. Behaviour, 153:871-896. [pdf]
Ouyang JQ*, Lendvai ÁZ*, Moore IT, Bonier F,
Haussmann MF. 2016. Do hormones, telomere lengths, and oxidative
stress form an integrated phenotype? A case study in free-living
tree swallows. Integrative and Comparative Biology. [pdf]
*shared first authorship.
Mougeot F, Lendvai ÁZ, Martínez-Padilla J,
Pérez-Rodríguez L, Giraudeau M, Casas F, Moore IT, Redpath S. 2016.
Parasites, mate attractiveness and female feather corticosterone
levels in a socially monogamous bird. Behavioral Ecology and
Sociobiology. 70:277–283 [pdf]
Dakin R, Lendvai ÁZ, Ouyang JQ, Moore IT,
Bonier F. 2016. Plumage colour is associated with partner parental
care in mutually ornamented tree swallows. Animal Behaviour
111:111-118. [pdf]
Lendvai ÁZ, Akçay Ç, Ouyang JQ, Dakin R,
Domalik AD, John PSS, Stanback MT, Moore IT, Bonier F. 2015.
Analysis of the optimal duration of behavioral observations based on
an automated continuous monitoring system in tree swallows
(Tachycineta bicolor): is one hour good enough? PLOS One.
[full text online]
Ouyang JQ*, Lendvai ÁZ*, Dakin R, Domalik AD, Fasanello VJ, Vassallo BG, Haussmann MF, Moore IT, Bonier F. 2015. Weathering the storm: parental effort and experimental manipulation of stress hormones predict brood survival. BMC Evolutionary Biology 15:219. [full text online] [pdf] *shared first authorship
Tartu S, Bustamante P, Angelier F, Lendvai ÁZ, Moe B, Blévin P, Bech C, Gabrielsen GW, Bustnes JO, Chastel O. 2016. Mercury exposure, stress and prolactin secretion in an Arctic seabird: an experimental study. Functional Ecology 30:596-604. [pdf].
Lendvai ÁZ, Giraudeau M, Bókony V, Angelier F, Chastel O. 2015. Within-individual plasticity explains age-related decrease in stress response in a short-lived bird. Biology Letters 11:20150272. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2015.0272 [pdf]
Lendvai ÁZ, Akçay Ç, Weiss T, Hausmann M, Moore IT, Bonier F. 2015. Low cost audiovisual playback and recording triggered by radio frequency identification using Raspberry Pi. PeerJ 3:e877. [full text online] [pdf ]
Tartu S, Lendvai ÁZ, Blévin P, Herzke D,Bustamante P, Moe B, Gabrielsen GW, Bustnes JO, Chastel O. 2015. Increased adrenal responsiveness and delayed hatching date in relation to polychlorinated biphenyl exposure in Arctic-breeding black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla). General and Comparative Endocrinology doi:10.1016/j.ygcen.2014.12.018. [pdf].
Brischoux F, Lendvai ÁZ, Bókony V, Chastel O, Angelier F. 2015. Marine lifestyle is associated with higher baseline corticosterone levels in birds. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 115:154-161. [pdf]
Lendvai ÁZ*, Ouyang JQ*, Schoenle LA,
Fasanello V, Haussmann MF, Bonier F, Moore IT. 2014. Experimental
Food Restriction Reveals Individual Differences in Corticosterone
Reaction Norms with No Oxidative Costs. PLoS ONE
[full text online] [pdf]
* shared first authorship
Westneat DF, Bókony V, Burke T, Chastel, O, Jensen H,
Kvalnes T, Lendvai ÁZ, Liker A, Mock DW, Schroeder J,
Schwagmeyer PL, Sorci G, Stewart IR, 2014, Individual plasticity in
fecundity varies among populations. Journal of Animal Ecology, 83:876-887.
Goutte A, Angelier F, Bech C, Clément-Chastel C,
Dell’Omo G, Gabrielsen GW, Lendvai ÁZ, Moe B, Noreen E,
Pinaud D, Sabrina T, Chastel O. 2014. Annual variation in the timing
of breeding, pre-breeding foraging areas and associated hormones
levels in an Arctic population of black legged kittiwakes. Marine
Ecology Progress Series, 496:233-247. [pdf]
Bókony V, Lendvai ÁZ, Vágási CI, P?tra? L, Pap PL, Németh J, Vincze E, Papp S, Preiszner B, Seress G, Liker A, 2014. Necessity or capacity? Physiological state predicts problem solving performance in house sparrows. Behavioral Ecology, 25:124-135. [pdf]
Loiseau C, Harrigan RJ, Bichet C, Julliard R, Garnier
S, Lendvai ÁZ,Chastel O, Sorci G, 2013. Predictions of avian
Plasmodium expansion under climate change. Scientific Reports
3: Paper 1126. [pdf]
Lendvai ÁZ, Giraudeau M, Németh J, Bakó V,
McGraw KJ, 2013. Carotenoid-based plumage coloration reflects
feather corticosterone levels in male house finches (Haemorhous
mexicanus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology,
67:1817-1824. [pdf]
Lendvai ÁZ, Bókony V, Angelier F, Chastel O,
Sol D. 2013. Do smart birds stress less? An interspecific
relationship between brain size and corticosterone levels. Proceedings
of the Royal Society, B. 280: 20131734. [pdf]
Covered in:
magazine, Smithsonian
Bichet C, Sorci G, Robert A, Juillard R, Lendvai ÁZ, Chastel O, Garnier S, Loiseau C, 2013. Epidemiology of plasmodium relictum infection in the house sparrow. Journal of Parasitology, 100:59-65. [pdf]
Kosztolányi A, Küpper C, Chastel O, Parenteau C, Yilmaz KT, Miklósi Á, Székely T, Lendvai ÁZ, 2012. Prolactin stress response does not predict brood desertion in a polyandrous shorebird. Hormones and Behavior, 61:734–740. [pdf]
Bókony V, Seress G, Nagy S, Lendvai ÁZ, Liker A. 2012. Multiple indices of body condition reveal no negative effect of urbanization in adult house sparrows. Landscape and Urban Planning,104: 75– 84. [pdf]
Lendvai ÁZ, Bókony V, Chastel O. 2011. Coping with novelty and stress in free-living house sparrows. Journal of Experimental Biology, 214, 821-828. [pdf]
Lendvai ÁZ, Chastel O. 2010. Natural variation in stress response is related to post-stress parental effort in male house sparrows. Hormones and Behavior, 58, 936–942. [pdf]
Tóth Z, Bókony V, Lendvai ÁZ, Szabó K, Pénzes Z, Liker A. 2009. Whom do the sparrows follow? The effect of kinship on social preference in house sparrow flocks. Behavioural Processes,82: 173-177. [pdf]
Tóth Z, Bókony V, Lendvai ÁZ, Szabó K, Pénzes Z, Liker A. 2009. Kinship and aggression: do house sparrows spare their relatives? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 63:1189-1196 . [pdf]
Lendvai ÁZ, Barta Z. Chastel O. 2009. Conflict over parental care in house sparrows: do females use a negotiation rule? Behavioral Ecology, 20(3):651-656. [pdf]
Bókony V, Lendvai ÁZ, Liker A, Angelier F, Wingfield JC, Chastel O. 2009. Stress response and the value of reproduction: Are birds prudent parents? American Naturalist, 173 (5), 589-59. [pdf, appendixA, appendixB]
Tóth Z, Bókony V, Lendvai ÁZ, Szabó K, Pénzes Z, Liker A. 2009. Effects of relatedness on social-foraging tactic use in house sparrows. Animal Behaviour, 77 (2): 337-342. [pdf].
Lendvai ÁZ, Loiseau C, Sorci G, Chastel O. 2009. Early developmental conditions affect stress response in juvenile but not in adult house sparrows (Passer domesticus). General and Comparative Endocrinology, 160 (1): 30-35. [pdf].
Liker A, Papp Z, Bókony V, Lendvai ÁZ. 2008. Lean birds in the city: body size and condition of house sparrows along the urbanization gradient. Journal of Animal Ecology, 77 (4), 789-795 [pdf].
Lendvai ÁZ, Chastel O. 2008. Experimental mate-removal increases the stress response of female house sparrows: the effects of offspring value? Hormones and Behavior, 53(2), 395-401 [pdf].
Bókony V, Liker A, Lendvai ÁZ, Kulcsár A. 2008. Risk-taking and survival in the house sparrow: are plumage ornaments costly? Ibis, 150, 139-151. [pdf]
Lendvai ÁZ, Giraudeau M, Chastel O. 2007. Reproduction and modulation of the stress response: an experimental test in the House sparrow. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B., 274: 391-397. [pdf]
Lendvai ÁZ, Liker A, Barta Z. 2006. The effects of energy reserves and dominance on the use of social foraging strategies in the house sparrow. Animal Behaviour, 72, 747-752. [pdf]
Bókony V, Lendvai ÁZ, Liker A. 2006. Multiple cues of status signalling: the role of wingbars in aggressive interactions in male house sparrows. Ethology, 112, 947-954. [pdf]
Lendvai ÁZ, Barta Z, Liker A, Bókony V. 2004. The effect of energy reserves on the social foraging: hungry sparrows scrounge more. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B., 271: 2467-2472. [pdf]
Lendvai ÁZ, Kis J, Székely T, Cuthill IC. 2004. An investigation of mate choice of Kentish Plover based on manipulation of multiple ornaments. Animal Behaviour, 67: 703-709. [pdf]
Lendvai ÁZ, Liker A. 2004. Male badge size is related to clutch volume in the Kentish plover. Ornis Hungarica 14: 1-7. [pdf]
Articles in Hungarian scientific journals:
Lendvai ÁZ, Szentirmai I. 2004: Linking disciplines in conservation biology as it is reflected by the 1st Hungarian Conservation Biological Conference. [in Hungarian with English summary] Természetvédelmi Közlemények 11: 11-20.
Szabó K, Lendvai ÁZ, Besztercei B, Ács É. 2004: The Merzse-marsh, preserver of diatoms' genetic diversity. [in Hungarian with English summary] Természetvédelmi Közlemények, 11: 139-148.